Waste reduction is in the global trend and is also followed at GrowExpress Ltd. from the beginning. The model farm in Nigeria focuses on sustainability and takes environmental protection very seriously. In conversation with Thomas Wegener, CEO of GrowExpress Ltd.Artikel lesen

In agriculture, the castor tree is an ideal candidate. Its seeds contain the special castor oil, which finds its use in a wide variety of applications from animal feed to fertilizer to the food industry. The castor tree is native to Africa, where it can realize its full potential. An interview with Thomas Wegener CEO GrowExpress Ltd.Artikel lesen

GrowExpress Ltd. relies on each other and not against each other. As part of an award procedure, the GrowExpress Group is allowed to take over the management of a large vacant state property in the fertile plains of the OYO National Park. What are the goals of the GrowExpress group?Artikel lesen

Ein junges Startup aus Wien und Berlin hat ein neues Mittel gegen den Mineralwasserwahnsinn gefunden. soulbottles ser in Deutschland und Österreich ist ja erstklassig – und Plastikflaschen bekanntermaßen ökologisch (und gesundheitlich) verheerend. Trotzdem steigt der Mineralwasserkonsum jedes Jahr. soulbottles und soulwater schlagen jetzt die Mineralwasserkonzerne dieser Welt mit ihren eigenenArtikel lesen